Women and loneliness during COVID-19
According to recent findings, social distancing recommendations have lowered the spread of COVID-19, but lockdowns and alienation have still produced or exacerbated other well-being issues. During the pandemic, researchers discovered a substantial rise in depression and a reduction in feelings of friendship. The research found that women suffered more negative results.During the pandemic, women registered higher levels of isolation than men. The Workplaces being often used for social networking and encouragement, as employment shifted from the office to the home, women's social relations may have become strained evermore.
While physical distance is necessary during a pandemic, the researchers believe that distance within and among relationships can be detrimental to a person's mental health and well-being. Although closing businesses and schools and canceling social activities and activities can help delay disease transmission, it can also have unintended social, emotional, financial, and drug abuse consequences.
The reduction in friendship, and a rise in solitude was the immediate result of the lockdown for women. As there was always that passive contact with fellow parents in basketball practise, or in PTA sessions, or the discussions with peers in between meetings until the guidelines for physical distancing were released. Physical distancing only allows one to meet, communicate and share time with others, those who have a strong intent to catch up and not by chance.
To take back control of the situation the experts suggest women to communicate with friends, family and colleagues more often even if it is virtually only. Intimacy is not closely related to distance; it represents our conduct and our desire to get closer to those with whom we are connected.
It goes without saying that the isolation era will not last forever and while many can't wait before life is hurried and hectic again, remember this time was much required to take a break and to just relax from the rush, and to feel self-confident and to get better for ourselves and others.